Thursday, August 8, 2013

From the Sun: Indoors and happy about it

[Note: The Woodford Sun, our local newspaper, is kind enough to donate space to us every week for a 500 word educational column.  We enjoy writing them and we know folks enjoy reading them, so we want to make them available to everyone outside of the Sun's sphere of influence, too!  Many of these columns will appear more or less as they did in the Sun, and some may be expanded to cover more information than we could fit into 500 words.  Enjoy!]

Adapted from the June 6th, 2013 edition of the Woodford Sun:

Indoors and happy about it
By Beth Oleson, Education Coordinator

The outdoors is a fun place, if you’re a cat.  It’s also a very dangerous one.  Between the threats of predation, exposure, traffic, and incurable, fatal (and common) diseases like feline leukemia and FIV, outdoor cats live a risky life, and it shows in their longevity: an indoor cat will live, on average, 15-17 years, while an outdoor cat can only expect an average of 3-5 years. 

The good news is you can make your indoor environment fun and stimulating for your cat with just a few simple steps.  For cats, it’s not so much about space as it is about enrichment; even a small area can be fun if you put it to good use.  The tricks to doing that break down into three categories: toys, scratching spots, and furniture.   

Cats are excellent hunters; it’s how they play, exercise, and keep their minds sharp.  That’s what cat toys are all about – they’re little mouse substitutes for cats to stalk, chase, and “kill.”  A cat without toys is a bored cat, and a bored cat is a cat who acts out.  Variety is the spice of life, so get an assortment of toys: some that crinkle, some with catnip, some with feathers, and some that dangle.  If your cat seems bored with a toy, put it away for a few weeks and swap out with something else.  You don’t have to constantly buy new toys, just rotate the ones you have! 

Scratching is natural, essential behavior for cats, so providing them with places to do it is important.  The thing to understand about scratching is that it is a territorial behavior as much as anything else; cats have scent glands in their paws, and when they scratch they’re saying “this is my place.”  And they’ll almost always pick a place where they spend time with you, which is why furniture is a common target.  Place scratching surfaces – sisal rope, cardboard, you name it – in those areas and half the battle is already won. 

Cat furniture sounds fancy, but it doesn’t have to be.  Cats are natural climbers and jumpers, and most prefer to have somewhere up high to perch; tall cat trees work great for this, but so does something as simple as a spot on your bookshelf or a windowsill.  It’s ok to set boundaries about where your cat can and can’t go, but make sure there’s somewhere off the ground that’s approved.  Cats are also fond of hiding spots, but once again, you don’t have to buy anything special.  A cardboard box, a paper bag, or a storage crate can all be ready-made spots to curl up and nap.  Toss in a blanket for a little extra comfort, and you’ve got a kitty luxury suite on a budget!

For the cat that absolutely must enjoy the outdoors, we're happy to say that there are safe ways to make that happen.  As skeptical as dog people might be about this concept, it is possible to train a cat to walk on a leash and harness, and that can be a great way to allow your cat outdoor time without relinquishing control of his comings and goings.  Or, if you want to go all-out, build a fully screened-in enclosure in your yard or on your patio (we call these "catios") complete with shelves for bird-watching.  Or, if neither of those are good options for you, bring a little bit of the outdoors in!  No cat will turn down some leaves to chase and crunch, a pot of wheat grass or catnip to munch on, the occasional feather, or even a log to rub on, scratch, and sniff - logs have great smells if you're a cat.

Woodford Humane Society has hundreds of kitties looking for homes, so if you’re looking for a feline friend to try out your indoor cat feng shui on, come see us!  Get in touch with us at 859.873.5491 or 

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